I can’t remember the last time I joined in on the Hodgepodge fun. Way too long, I’m sure. If you’d like to join in the fun, too, just click on the button above.
1. Are you comfortable with silence? If you're home alone, do you like silence or do you need regular background noise? Do you seek out times and places to be silent? What's your favorite place to find silence/be silent?
Silence doesn’t bother me. Perhaps because I’m very much the introvert (or as I prefer to say, I’m quite comfortable with my own company – ha!), I don’t need a lot of conversation. That’s not to say that I don’t have some background noise from time to time.
2. October 28th is National Chocolate Day. Can't let that go by without a mention now, can we? Will you celebrate? How? Let's say you can have one of the following right this very minute... a cup of hot chocolate, a strawberry dipped in chocolate, a bowl of plain chocolate ice cream, or a slice of chocolate pie...what's your pleasure?
I may be the only one to answer this way, but I can generally take or leave chocolate. I’m not a huge fan, but I don’t dislike chocolate either. I will say that I prefer my chocolate with something else where it plays an accompanying role rather than the star of the show (as in a candy bar). Of the choices above, I’d choose the strawberry dipped in chocolate.
3. How do you feel about blue jeans? Favorite thing in the world to wear or nope, don't own a single pair? How often do you wear blue jeans in a typical week? Do you own a blue jean jacket?
blue jeans! In fact, I can’t remember the last time I wore something other than blue jeans (when wearing long pants). So, in a typical week, I wear jeans 7 days.
I don’t own a blue jean jacket … in fact, I don’t recall ever owning one, and I’m not sure why.
4. Are you superstitious? If so, in what way?
No, not really. I don’t believe in good luck or bad luck nor do I believe that we can determine an outcome by performing some kind of ritual. I believe in a God who has a plan, and while He’s not a puppeteer controlling our strings, I believe that nothing is done outside of His sovereign control … that He works out or allows everything in keeping with His divine plan
5. If you had to come up with a costume using only things you have on hand right now, what could you come up with?
I’m not very creative so someone else might be able to come up with a fabulous costume using whatever I happen to have around the house. I do have a hockey jersey in my closet so maybe I could pass for a hockey player?
6. What scares you a little? What do you do when you feel scared?
Heights scare me more than a little. I’m petrified of heights. I won’t even do ladders without a goodly amount of fear and trembling.
7. Perhaps today will be the day I ______________________________.
Hmmmmm … I’m drawing a blank on this one.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I took advantage of my “free” day yesterday and made good progress on my Labor Day Stars. I am a little more than halfway done on block #4 (out of 18). I’m not sure that I’ll get this done before the end of November (what with swim meets, a quilt retreat, and going out of town for Thanksgiving), but surely early December?
Again, the colors are washed out here. 
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!