Saturday, November 6, 2010

Puzzle tray

We brought the puzzle tray in this morning and put the felt rounds on the bottom. 

It's a large tray (approx. 44"x64"), but it looks like it's going to hold all 2,000 pieces of the puzzle we'll be working next (about half of the pieces are on the tray in the picture above).  Hopefully the molding around the edge will keep the pieces on the tray ... I can't tell you the number of times we'd inadvertently knock a piece or ten off the table ... the dogs thought we were tossing them treats (especially our golden retriever who at almost 11 still loves paper products ... and has been known to root through the trash to grab a tasty "morsel" :-<).


  1. Your tray turned out great! I've not attempted a 2000 piece puzzle yet. I've only had the 1000 pieces to do. Hope you enjoy yours as much as we have our puzzle table!

  2. Your tray turned out great! I've not attempted a 2000 piece puzzle yet. I've only had the 1000 pieces to do. Hope you enjoy yours as much as we have our puzzle table!


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