We’re back here in Illinois. Just like Dorothy says: there’s no place like home.
It’s been over 2 weeks now since I’ve seen DD and the Ts, and I’m going through some serious withdrawal right now. ;-) The good news is that tomorrow is home school PE day, so I’ll get to see them!
We had a wonderful time, and even though it was overcast most every day and even though rain was in the forecast every day, the weather turned out to be pretty great … there was only one day where we didn’t get in much beach time (it was chilly and windy).
Saturday was the “pick day” of the week, weatherwise. It was in the mid 80’s and sunny all day. Since it was perfect beach weather and our last full day in Hilton Head, we took advantage and spent a good bit of the day on the beach.
We were rewarded with seeing several sand dollars … we usually see quite a lot of sand dollars on the beach on Hilton Head, but this trip we hadn’t seen a one … until Saturday. We saw several, including some pretty good sized ones. It was fascinating to see them burrow into the sand. This isn’t my video, but one I found on youtube. Video Unfortunately, embedding has been disabled, but you can click on the link to see the video if you'd like.
We also saw a couple of crabs scurrying along the beach and burrowing into the sand when we got close. In all our visits to beaches over the years, that was a first for us.
Evidently we (finally) got a good bit of rain here in Illinois while we were gone. There was 1.5 inches of rain in the gauge (who knows how much evaporated). The grass is greening up … frankly, I thought our lawn was a goner, given how brown and crispy it was.
Today is going to be a BUSY day … we got everything out of the car last night, but that was all. Today I’ll unpack, put away, do laundry and get everything back to normal.