I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I last blogged. Things have been just crazy busy here at Chez Nana … my head starts spinning when I try to think about it.
Our weekend was fairly slow and quiet … I was able to get in a good bit of quilting both days. But once we hit Monday, things accelerated at break-neck speed. Monday evening was the final summer “regular season” swim meet … and once again, we had rain. Thankfully the rain came late enough in the meet that they could put the meet in the books. No make up meet – whew! And it’s a good thing because the conference championships are today.
Tuesday DD, the 4 Ts and I had a fabulous day together. We hit up the Build a Bear store to make minions before we head out to the “movie-ater” to see the Minion Movie (“movie-ater” was how T#3 used to say “movie theater”). T#1 decided that he wasn’t too old yet for a minion and chose Stuart; T#2 chose Kevin, and T#3 chose Bob. T#4 couldn’t be bothered with minions and chose an Elsa bear (to keep her Anna bear company). The Ts loved the movie … I found several parts to be laugh-out-loud funny and a few parts that could have easily found their way to the editing room floor. I did love the soundtrack for the movie and will confess that I was singing along to Got to Get You Back in My Life at the end (softly … and off key no doubt).
That evening, DD found out that her former step mom was readmitted to the hospital … they weren’t (and so far still aren’t) sure whether it was methotrexate toxicity or PCP, a pneumonia caused by a common fungus. Right now they’re leaning toward PCP but will find out more once they get the results of the bronchoscopy done Thursday morning. Thankfully much of the treatment is the same, and they’ve also started her on the antifungal that should treat PCP. DD spent most of Wednesday and all of Thursday with her at the hospital, which meant that Nana had plenty of T-time.
Wednesday we helped my dad with his monthly shopping excursion. DD found friends who could take the 3 bigs to swim practice and watch them afterwards until I got back from my dad’s so we took #4 along with us. She did a fine job of entertaining my dad when we got back to his house, but her early morning get-up for practice meant that she was getting awfully tired not long after lunch … we left earlier than originally planned because a tired T#4 means either one who gets a little too squirrelly or a little too cranky, and we didn’t want to wear out our welcome.
Thursday I took the swimmers to their final practice of the summer … T#4 and I went on a secret mission – to see if any of her siblings made it in the local paper (published once/week). And sure enough, T#3 made the paper (forgive the poor quality, it’s a picture of the paper taken with my iPhone). His brother is almost always in the paper, so it was nice to see him get some props. Hopefully his sister will have a better summer swim (as in no broken arm) next year and will make the paper, too.After we got back to the pool, we went for a brief walk while waiting for practice to end. We saw this delicate hydrangea bloom on our walk … #4 was so disappointed that she couldn’t pick the flower.
#1 went to a friend’s house after practice for a pool party – I guess he didn’t get quite enough time in the pool this week. #2 brought a friend home after practice … they spent most of their time in the family room in the basement, doing whatever 11-12 year old girls do. ha! #3 and #4 kept Nana entertained by having her join their Minecraft game. The things we grandmas do for our grands. ha!
Friday was a quiet, relaxing day … sort of. I went back to my eye doctor’s office to get the corrected lenses put in my new glasses … it’s amazing how much better I see now. I spent the afternoon getting caught back up on things around the house … laundry, dusting, sweeping. A squishy package was delivered – Christmas in July! I’m always on the lookout for plaids (I’d like to make a plaid quilt one of these days when I can get enough plaids).But there was still a little time to get reacquainted with my needle and thread. Remember my Martha Washington’s Flower Garden? I picked it back up and worked on the final full block. I wasn’t able to get it finished since I spent my evening with T#4 who had a sleepover here at Nana’s.
Today will be an especially hot, muggy day spent watching our swimmers compete … all three qualified for the conference championships, and even though her times are all down a little (thanks to the broken arm – first a cast and then a splint), T#2 is “swimming up” - with the 13-14 y.o. girls - for 2 of her events. The top 6 swimmers for each event at the championship will qualify for the “All Star” competition in two weeks … T#1 and T#2 both qualified last summer, but thanks to that broken arm, I suspect that T#2 won’t qualify this summer.
I suspect that we’ll be spending tomorrow getting cooled off and getting in some much-needed R&R (IOW, time with my needle and thread).
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
We must have similar lives... lol! I also have had busy weeks lately that keep me from blogging as much... I hope for both of us this is our summer break and not permanent state of affairs :)
ReplyDeleteLoved the catch up on your week.. those T's are all great swimmers which is nice! Love your slow stitching progress and hope you get to finish that MWFG block/diamond.. totally gorgeous fabrics too that you have added to your stash... do you want cotton plaids or will you use homespun cotton plaids in this quilt too? I have some plaids languishing after I finish 1 project with them I could forward to you! :) Have a wonderful slow stitching weekend! Praying for your daughter's MIL also ... Kathi
One can tell it's summer - all the sports schedules and the hot, sticky weather! So glad you are able to be so busy. As much as we love the quiet time, I'm afraid we'd really miss the running around with grands if we couldn't do it. The summer seems to be flying by. Enjoy! ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteyou certainly are busy with your grandchildren so close by - sounds like they have a busy schedule that keeps you hopping. Here it is the same lazy boring summer days as always.
ReplyDeleteLove your plaids - I have said now and then that I will do a plaid quilt and I never have too many quilts in the works and designs running through my head
Summing up your week in one word: Wow!
ReplyDeleteGoodness yes you sure have had a BUSY week....mine was SOOO slow for a switch, lol. My youngest son's wife is a swim coach. I guess she was quite the swimmer in her youth to include just being a little shy of making the Olympics! 3 of my grands have joined their mom's team this summer and little Tella won her first ever race [backstroke] on Thursday night. I don't know any of the details and only saw a bit of it via video. i can't wait to see ALL of them race soon. We don't live close enough to them to get to them all the way you do, but I am sure we will see at least a couple. Meanwhile my 14 year old grand daughter has made the volleyball team at her high school she will start in the Fall and her games are going on to. Lots of sports to chose from attending this summer, and I am excited! At least the volleyball player lives close enough for me to get to her home games if I would like to, but so far it's been a little too warm in the gym for me to consider it......but I will brave it soon, lol. Enjoy your week-end stitching! LOVE the Martha Washington square!
ReplyDeleteYou are always a busy bee! Love that hexie block coming together!
ReplyDeleteNo wonder you don't have time to blog, your so busy all the time. I didn't know they had Minion's at Build A Bear. I love your new fabric and it would make a lovely quilt. I love plaid too! Glad your able to help your dad out with his shopping. Hope you have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh, my! I am just about worn out just reading all you've done this week! Glad your glasses are working right now.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness you have been really busy! All kinds of good busy though. Can you build Minions are build a bear? Did I understand that? I will have to take my grandsons since they are just crazy about them.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get lots of quilting done and you have a nice break. I had to laugh about MInecraft. I have Minecraft on my phone just for my grands.
Anyway have wonderful day.