I can’t believe that it’s been a whole year since I posted the 2012 year in review … seems like it’s been just a couple of months or so.
2013 seemed to be the year for traveling … in January we took our first cruise, visiting St. Thomas and St. Maarten. Once we were back on dry land, we stopped to visit my Dad who was wintering on the Alabama Gulf Coast. In May, we spent two weeks in Florida with DD and her family … if you’ve been here long, you know how much I love the beach … and to be able to spend time on the beach with my Ts was perfect! We spent a week and a half in September at my “happy place”, Hilton Head Island, and we had a weekend getaway in November.
There were a few milestones in 2013 … I collected my first Social Security check (guess that makes it official – I’m old ha!) and my Dad turned 90 in March.
I finished a wall hanging and two bed quilts for our granddaughters … fewer quilts than I had hoped, thanks mostly to a 2-month hiatus due to nerve issues in my index finger on my right hand. I started and am still quilting a Storm at Sea and am working on two English Paper Piecing projects ( a big change for this previously one-quilt-at-a-time gal).
DH and I tried our hand at a garden, renting a plot at our village’s community garden … with mixed results, our green beans were an epic fail, but we got plenty of tomatoes. In the fall we put raised beds in the back yard and will try again next summer. And we replaced and enlarged our deck … I can’t wait for spring, when I can sit out on the deck, basting hexies!
I returned to “work” in 2013 … I watch my Ts 3 mornings/week while DD works at the YMCA. I LOVE my time with my Ts!
It was an exciting year for our Cardinals … another trip to the World Series, but not quite the outcome we were hoping for.
All in all, 2013 was a very good year … and I’m looking forward to 2014!
Wishing you and yours a very