Oh, it feels so good to be back home. While I loved every single minute in Paducah, there really is no place quite like home.
We left mid-afternoon Tuesday so we could get checked into our hotel and get a good night’s sleep before our busy day on Wednesday (Day 1 of the Quilt Show). Because we decided to go just a few months ago, we had a difficult time finding a hotel room convenient to Paducah that didn’t want an arm and a leg for a room … we found one hotel that was charging $500/night with a minimum 4-night stay. Crazy! We finally “settled” for a hotel in Marion, IL – about an hour to the north of Paducah. Thankfully DH doesn’t mind driving, and it was an easy hour’s drive – all interstate except for the last little bit. And it gave me a little extra time to do some basting on my bow tie quilt blocks.
Yes, it’s missing the background fabric … I’m still looking for my background fabric. Most quilters book their hotel rooms for the next year as they’re checking out the current year so we’re going to start checking for rooms in the next few weeks (as soon as the hotels start accepting reservations that far in advance).
This was our first trip driving, so we weren’t sure, we were able to find a parking spot just a few blocks from the convention center … one that took us right past Hexie House. I love English Paper Piecing, so of course, we stopped in on our way back to the car. Do you need proof that I love EPP? The gal who waited on me on Wednesday recognized my name from my online orders.
The first thing I did each day, after we got to the convention center, was to check out all the beautiful quilts. It sure seemed to me like most of this year’s quilts were appliqued … maybe they were last year as well and I just don’t remember that. While I admire all the hard work that goes into an appliqued quilt, they’re just not “my thing” (no offense to any of you who love applique) … and ditto the machine quilted quilts (again, no offense to any of you who machine quilt). I spent most of my time checking out the hand quilted and pieced quilts.
This quilt is entitled 12,000 Pieces, and I believe it! From what I could see, I’d say that the pineapple blocks were about the same size as the miniature pineapple blocks I’m working on.
I was thrilled to see another traditional quilt. And I was surprised that the quilter chose cross hatching for the open spaces.
See the blue “background” … that’s all pieced from teeny tiny triangles.
I also spent plenty of time in the vendor area. And yes, I did my part to boost the economy. Any ideas as to what my “go-to” fabric style and colors are? Ha!
I learned a few things … like using the Clover Wonder Clips to hold my EPP papers in place when basting. I shared a few things … like tips and thread recommendation to a quilter who was shopping for thread for her first hand quilting attempt.
I also visited the Museum while we were in Paducah … after all, no trip to Paducah is complete without visiting the Museum, right? They had some pretty awesome exhibits, but my favorite is still the miniatures. I wish I could have taken photos to share some of the little quilts that I have fallen in love with. As it is, I’ll settle for a picture from the Museum’s Facebook page.
And while we didn’t go to Paducah for the food, we didn’t go hungry either. No trip to Quilt Week is complete without the Boy Scouts’ strawberry shortcake.And we were finally able to have lunch at Kirchoff’s.
In fact, we enjoyed it so much (and the lovely walk to the Historic District) that we ate there twice.
The only thing we didn’t do that I would have liked to have done was to stop in at Hancock’s of Paducah. We drove by on our way in and way out of Paducah each day, and the parking lot was jammed full, including buses. I’ve been twice and I picked up plenty of fabric at the show, so I had no desire to fight the crowds … although I had hoped to perhaps find the background fabric for my bow tie quilt.
I absolutely enjoyed our trip to Quilt Week and am already dreaming of next year.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy! Have a great day!
love all the quilts and thanks for sharing your experience. Three days is a lot to spend there - there are several quilts that you show that I have felt like making and have never gotten to it and then seeing them hang makes me want to add them to my list! you did your fare share of shopping and I bet the vendors/stores were happy for your visit :) I missed the strawberry shortcake when I went and Kirchcoffs - I have not heard of that place. I just might have to start looking for reservations for next year and actually plan in advance for a change.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are fabulous. You had quite a trip!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun trip you had and I am sure you came home with even more great ideas for future quilts too! I am so happy for you and thanks for sharing that lovely eye candy! I hope to visit the quilt museum there some day :) thanks for sharing and hope you have a nice weekend! Kathi
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a wonderful time at Paducah!!! I didn't get to go this year - I was in Asheville with my mom instead. I am always amazed at the talent and workmanship displayed in the quilts. You've picked up some wonderful fabrics and will have a ball including them in your upcoming projects!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like another great time in Paducah!!! Thanks so much for sharing the photos. I love the hand quilted quilts the best too. Just can't do it anymore ;( Hope you find a motel for next year soon - $500/4 nights might be reasonable for the event but NOT $500/nt! Now that you've shown me food, think I'll have lunch - I'm hungry! ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your experience. I really love the medallion quilt you posted! I agree the musuem is a must. Even my husband enjoyed the quilts there. LOL Looking forward to seeing what you do with some of that new stash.
ReplyDeleteHi Kathy, Girl I am so in awe that you have gone to this show more than once. Of course, I used to go to the International Quilt Show in northern Ca. I do miss doing that. I am looking forward to going to Sister next July, if we can get a condo book 13 mos in advance. Hope you have a fun weekend getting caught up at home. I'm off to read and then stitch. Thanks for sharing such an incredible trip!
What an awesome adventure! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing about your trip! Not sure I would be brave enough to face the crowds! You got an awesome hubby to drive you! When do you head to HH?
ReplyDeleteI soo enjoyed seeing all the quilts you pictured! What an incredible trip it sounds like. I would have loved it too I am quite sure. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week-end...And your right of course, there's no place like home!
ReplyDeleteIncredible quilts! Loved hearing your adventures. I'm sure I'll never go so I enjoy the experience vicariously. : )
ReplyDeleteWow, looks like it was a wonderful show! Thanks for sharing!