I’ve been spending the last couple of days in the sewing room … no, my Kiss quilt isn’t finished … I’ve just been in the mood for some machine stitching. It started Tuesday when we had our handymen here to do a few jobs around the house, one of which was replacing the ceiling fan in the great room … which meant that I couldn’t get to my hand quilting. I sequestered myself in my sewing room, picked up my mini pineapple blocks and got a few more finished.

We’ve got severe storms heading our way today

With severe weather heading in today, I don’t know how much longer we’ll be able to enjoy this view from our deck … the grass beneath the tree already looks like we’ve had a little bit of snow.

Since it’s going to be a rainy day, guess where I’ll be holed up … yep, back in my sewing room.

I finished Colleen Coble’s Tidewater Inn, and I realized that the narration was part of why I really couldn’t get into it … the narrator had the annoying habit of ending her sentences with a questioning tone. It didn’t help either that I’m not much of a fan of romance novels, which is really what this book boiled down to. I’m now reading Jodi Picoult’s The Pact and am enjoying it so far. Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken is up next … I’d like to get it read before we rent the DVD, and with baseball season underway and the hockey playoffs looming, I think I’ll be able to make it.

I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
I hope the bad storms miss you - when I heard of the flooding near St. Louis yesterday I wondered if it was in your area and now today we have a line of storms that are supposed to come through around 5-7 this evening - I'm glad it is not in the middle of the night in case we have to run to the storm shelter but I will be glad when it is done. This is the part of spring that I always hate - I am glad that the weather predictors are so good now - but on the other hand the talk of it for days and hours on the tv can drive one a bit nervous
ReplyDeleteGood morning! I LOVE those blocks! Soo pretty. They are going to just make a gorgeous quilt! Wish we could get some of that rain over here. Goodness we haven't had this bad of a drought in a while. We got a tiny bit of rain on Monday and we were all practically giddy. I am going to try and wrap up the last of my sewing in the next couple of days so I can get ready for our trip. The shirt embroidery is on the list for today and I keep going back and forth in my mind to what I even want....I hate it when I am wishy washy, lol. Enjoy your day Kathy, sounds wonderful to me....
ReplyDeleteOhhh, I love those little pineapple blocks! Sometimes I find it fun to switch my routine between machine work and hand work. Think it probably is good for the brain! Hope your weather doesn't get too bad. We have storms forecast also. We can use the rain but the rest - winds, hail - can stay away! Enjoy your day - I'll be getting ready for a retreat. ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteThose are some pretty big hail balls!!! Those would do serious damage! Stay safe in your sewing room. Those pineapple blocks look amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe hail with these storms is RIDICULOUS!!!!! ... I'll be glad when we get through all these APRIL showers!!!
ReplyDeleteWow - that's some huge hail!!! Sending up prayers for your safety if that storm comes around. Love your little pineapple blocks - BLUE!!!! And I know just what you mean about the narrator for your book. I had the same thing happen and had to return the book, just couldn't stand it! I've listened to Unbroken - it's deep but great!
ReplyDeleteThose are some ridiculous large hail and some tiny little pineapples! They (the pineapples) look great. Love the colors.
ReplyDeleteI cannot get over the size of that hail! WOW! We're supposed to get thunderstorms all day tomorrow. Stay safe!
ReplyDeleteI love you pineapple blocks and can't wait to see a quiltlet from them!!! What a cute name for these little blocks all together :) I thought of you when I heard of that weather headed your way... glad you and yours are safe! Love your dogwood shot! Kathi
ReplyDeleteWOW talk about hailing snowballs!! Yikes--I think your blue/white baby pineapple blocks are lovely. Funny--I am going the other way and paper piecing humongous ones...soon...hugs, Julierose
ReplyDeleteHope you don't get anything too severe! Oh my those are baseball size hail! Can you imagine! Love your little pineapple blocks! I had good intentions to stay in the sewing room but the outdoors kept calling. Soon it will be too hot to enjoy working in the beds. Got them done today!
ReplyDeleteOh, my, I've never been in a hailstorm where it was even as big as a quarter. Those are monsters!
ReplyDeleteHope you don't lose power in your big storm (maybe that only happens around here), so you can keep stitching up pineapples!
I hope those storms don't get really bad.
ReplyDeleteBig hail. I love your quilt. It is so pretty.
Those books sound interesting. I hope you have a lovely day.
I have not watched the news today, but my husband said there were a lot of tornadoes. I hope they were not in your area. I love you little pineapple blocks! I am hoping to make a mini Log cabin quilt.
ReplyDeleteI've heard about the bad weather. Hope your okay at your house. Adam and Tristen had storms go though Pittsburgh and a large tree fell right up to the front door. The blossom on your tree are the tree are lovely. Hope the weather clears and that you can have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeletePretty quilts! Monsoons are predicted for us starting tonight. I'm hoping they won't be quite as bad as we expect. You will enjoy Unbroken. Happy new week!