Monday, November 23, 2015
A Blogging Hiatus
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Back in Focus
The last several days, I’ve felt “out of focus”. I tried to sit and read or to sit and quilt, but I just couldn’t seem to focus. Thankfully today I’m feeling back in focus and got in several hours of quilting on my Labor Day Stars. I finished up block #17 and even got a good start on #18 (the final pieced block). Ahhhh, it felt so good to get back to my needle and thread.
The weekend was another busy one … another swim meet. This was a fun meet because in addition to the standard events, they incorporated some fun events as well. Here is T#2 participating in the Pumpkin Push Relay, where each swimmer had to push a pumpkin down the lane.
T#1 and his best friend participated in the Push-Pull event, where the swimmers swam as one … the rear swimmer (who serves as the legs) holds on to the ankles of the front swimmer (who serves as the arms). At the end of the first lap, the swimmers switch positions. You can barely see T#1 behind his friend here.
T#3 participated in the Pumpkin Push, but I didn’t get a picture of him … but here he is getting ready to step up onto the block for an event.
There’s another meet this weekend, and I’m really looking forward to seeing them swim.
There’s a fun little meme going around Facebook where our most-used words are collected.
I had to laugh at some of those words, like fbi? Of course, I see plenty of references to the beach and to quilting. I love that my most-used word is <3 (the Facebook shortcut for ).
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
Friday, November 13, 2015
Getting Caught Up
It’s been a little while since I’ve checked in. I wish I could say that I’ve been busy doing something fun and exciting, but alas … I’ve still been dealing with the “puniness” I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I’ve had some bloodwork and a procedure that have ruled out any lower digestive problems, we still haven't achieved a resolution to my "puniness" ... so we’re working on the next step toward resolution. I’m bound and determined to get back to feeling better.
Unfortunately I haven’t done as much quilting as I’d like in the last few days because I was too busy “prepping” for my procedure. Hopefully now that it’s behind me, I’ll feel like spending some more time with my needle and thread. And if I’m not up for hand quilting, I’ve got a quilt top or four that I can be working on.
Here’s where I left off on my Labor Day Stars … I’m on block #16.
My hubby picked up some OTC meds for me this afternoon, and this is what I saw when I opened the package.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Slow Stitching Weekend
It’s been a slow stitching week here at Chez Nana, and it looks like it’s going to be a slow stitching weekend, as well. Since I do love to hand quilt, I’m not complaining.
I finished up block #12 yesterday and am almost done with block #13. There are 18 blocks in my Labor Day Stars quilt, so it won’t be too long before I’ll be able to start quilting on the setting triangles. Here’s a photo I took early yesterday morning as I was quilting sashings on block #13.
Earlier this week, I ordered some fabrics from Homestead Hearth … online rather than making the trip to their brick and mortar store. For my next EPP project, I’d like to make a Patchwork of the Crosses. I’ve collected the papers and am now collecting some fabrics that would be suitable for fussy cutting. I don’t trust my fussy cutting skills (who am I kidding … I have no fussy cutting skills! ha!), so I’m going to start with stripes. I picked up some striped fabrics (also half price) when we stopped at Hancock’s of Paducah on our way to Hilton Head in September, and when I saw that Homestead Hearth had some half price, I had to add to my collection. The fabrics came yesterday … it’s amazing how a squishy package in the mail can brighten one’s day.
I saw these on Facebook this morning and couldn’t resist sharing them … hope they make you giggle a little like they did me.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Wednesday Hodgepodge

For the second week in a row, I’m able to participate in the Hodgepodge. It’s such a fun little meme, and it allows us to learn a little more about each other. You’re certainly welcome to join in the fun, if you’d like … just click on the button above.
1. Besides Thanksgiving, something you're looking forward to on your November calendar?
DH and I are talking about possibly heading to Hilton Head after Thanksgiving … we’ll be celebrating with DD and her extended family in Chattanooga at her sister-in-law’s. Chattanooga is just 6 hours from Hilton Head, so we’d be a little more than halfway there.
2. If I gave you a thank you card right now who would you send it to and why?
If I could, I'd like to send a thank-you card to each one of my readers. I appreciate your taking the time to stop by ... I appreciate your comments, your motivation, your insights, your encouragement, your friendship.
3. Of the breads listed, which one's your favorite...bagel, cinnamon, sourdough, garlic, banana, biscuit, pita, Naan, or plain old fashioned white bread?
My favorite bread, especially for sandwiches, is focaccia, but since it’s not listed, I’ll say cinnamon. But ONLY if the breadmaker included more cinnamon … most seem to have gotten awfully chintzy on their cinnamon.
4. What's something you have in abundance? Is that a good thing?
Fabric is the first thing that comes to my mind. And since I’m a quilter and use my fabric to make quilts, I’d say that’s a good thing.
5. November 5th is National Love Your Red Hair Day. Are there any redheads in your family? Who's your favorite redhead?
There are redheads in my extended family … a cousin has red hair and my maternal grandfather had red hair. I can see a hint of red in DD’s hair, and T#2 is a strawberry blond. Either one of those two would certainly be my favorite redhead.
6. The travel website Busbud recently calculated the most Instagrammed spot in every state. Go here to see what made the list where you live. Are you happy with your state's #1? If not what do you think should be the most photographed spot in your state? Have you snapped a photo there? If you live outside the USA answer as it relates to your state, city or province.
I guess I can’t quarrel with Wrigley Field as the #1 Instagrammed spot in my state. Still … there’s so much more to Illinois than Chicago, people! (Aside from crooked politicians and financial ruin – ha!)

7. I'm going to try to have something related to gratitude in this spot each week during the month of November. Here's this week's question-
What's something you've learned about yourself this year that you're grateful for?
I’ve thought a lot about this lately, and I just don’t have an answer for this. Not that I’m not grateful … but I cannot think of something that I’ve learned about myself this past year.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It’s been foggy here every morning for the last 4-5 days … not so heavy that it would keep one from getting out and about if necessary. But since it’s been warming up to around 70, I’m not complaining.
I’ve been making progress on my Labor Day Stars. I’m about halfway done with the SITD (stitch in the ditch) around the stars on block #11.