We returned late Thursday from the Pacific Northwest … and for the first couple of days after we got back, it was as it we never left … well, except for the fact that there’s no fresh salmon or beaches here in Illlinois. ha! It had been rainy and chilly … but on Sunday, the
Friday afternoon I got an offer from DD to watch the Ts while she ran errands/did some shopping. Of course I said yes! We stayed for dinner and took a walk around their new neighborhood. It just does this mama’s heart good that they’ve got a home that fits their needs so well.
Saturday I finally finished all the unpacking and resulting laundry. I got quite a bit of work done on a new jigsaw puzzle … my mother’s day gift from DD.
Sunday morning we attended church … they were short-handed in the toddler Sunday School room, so I volunteered to help (and got to get a little time with T#3 and T#4; bless his heart, T#3 cannot quite grasp the concept that Nana is in there to work and play with ALL the kids, not just him
We spent Sunday afternoon enjoying the beautiful weather … even though the thermometer read 90o, the humidity was low and there was a very nice breeze so it felt marvelous! DH and I took a walk around the neighborhood, sat out on the deck, worked on the jigsaw puzzle and just had a nice, relaxing day.
Today, I finished up a sun dress that I started last summer for T#2 … I put it and the doll quilt into the box with the rest of her birthday gifts. My dad came down this afternoon and, we all went to DD’s for T#2’s family birthday party/Memorial Day get-together. We had a wonderful time … burgers, brats and hot dogs cooked on the grill, watching T#2 open her gifts, singing happy birthday to her, and watching the Ts ride bikes. We also played some Just Dance for Kids on the Wii … you know you’re uncoordinated and out of shape when you consistently end up in 4th place.
I did have to turn on the air conditioner this afternoon. I hated to have to do it … after having the house all shut up all winter long, I would really much rather be able to open up the windows and let in the fresh air. But it’s just too warm inside if I’m working up a sweat just standing at the counter, stemming strawberries. It looks like summer’s here … did we even have a spring?