Welcome to April … and that means you, too, Spring!
She's brought fabulous weather with her, as it’s supposed to get into the mid 70s today. Her April Showers will be visiting tomorrow, so I’ll definitely be taking advantage of the gorgeous day today. I’m so glad she’s finally here … and hopefully to stay (the 70-degree version, not so much the rainy version ha!).

I spend a good chunk of Monday quilting on my Kiss quilt. I’ve discovered, now that the top is together, that the secondary design formed by the navy isn’t popping out because the red is too strong.

I’ve been “reading” (listening?) more audiobooks over the last several weeks. I finished up Matilda and Gray Mountain. It’s funny … T#2 and I didn’t agree at all with the story. She found the first part of the book to be funny (the tricks Matilda played on her parents) while my take was sadness at how her family treated her … T#2 was sad at the end because Matilda’s family gave her up so easily while I was glad that Matilda finally found a home where she would be loved and appreciated. I was a little disappointed in Gray Mountain … it just felt to me like Grisham spent more time berating “big law” and coal companies than he did developing the story line. I’m now making my way through Tidewater Inn and having a little trouble with really getting into it … I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s just not grabbing me – at least not yet.

I’ve been “commissioned” to do a quilt repair. The first quilt I made after my quilting hiatus back in the 80s was a quilt for DD and DSIL … a housewarming gift for their very first house. Of all the quilts I’ve made, it’s probably my least favorite … but it’s DD’s favorite … not because of the fabrics, blocks or setting, but because it’s just the right weight. I am sure I used the same low-loft poly batting that I’ve used on all the quilts I’ve made for her and her family, but this one seemed to be just the perfect weight. I’m a self-taught quilter who for the longest time had no idea how to “properly” bind a quilt, so for quite a long time I would buy pre-made bias tape and use it as a facing for the quilt.
While I’m using the machine to add binding to DD’s quilt, I’ll be stitching up a flannel blanket for DD’s sister-in-law’s new foster child. I always give gifts to the Ts for Easter (they get enough candy from the Easter Bunny). They’ll be up for Easter, and I want to have something for him as well.

I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
I used to do binding the same way - I bought it and it fell apart on one quilt that DD has and washed many times.
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Sounds like some nice spring weather has found it's way to you,,,it's been gorgeous here recently. Wish I could wrap it up to last for quite a while, lol. I too struggle A LOT with colors and fabrics for quilts. I buy sometimes what I think will work only to get it home and realize there is no way. Glad you can repair that quilt for your daughter. Hope we get to see the flannel blanket you make too. Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteChoosing fabrics is a big challenge for me too! Enjoy your spring weather.
ReplyDeleteChoosing fabric colors is my hardest part of quilting so I can sympathize. I spend hours and still can be disappointed! Good luck repairing the quilt. Happy April! ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteI loved the movie Matilda - I need to check out the book :)
ReplyDeleteI always have problems choosing fabrics for quilts with a limited number of colors. I do much better with lots of color.
ReplyDeleteRepairing quilts is my least favorite task. Good for you for tackling the project.
I've got some old quilts that I bound that way. They haven't seen enough use to have come apart yet, though some quilts I bound with cheap fabric have frayed through.
ReplyDeleteI used that one a couple of mine when I started. They work in a pinch but after time that happens. Enjoy the fix and the warm weather.
ReplyDeleteI like the patterns I see in your Kiss quilt when you showed the flimsy hanging.. are you feeling like maybe your quilting is muddling the design maybe a bit? I am unsure.. I love your stitches though :) Glad you are getting ready to celebrate Easter and that quilt fix will maybe bring you and that quilt you don't care for closer... who knows :) Kathi
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine choosing fabrics for quilting, probably about like choosing paint colors for a new house. :o)) Always enjoy your quilting stories and love the quilt you did for DD and new Hubby back when. I can see her attachment to it. WIshing you a happy Easter and all it brings to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteHi Kathy, We had a cloudy afternoon today with rain scheduled for tomorrow and maybe even snow-wish it weren't so. I have to tell you that when I first started quilting, I also used Bias tape for my binding. At the time, it was so easy but now I know making your own binding is much easier though takes more time.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful Thursday and Happy April to you!
Hugs, Noreen
Every quilt, no matter how many a person has made, is a learning experience, sometimes good and sometimes learning what not to do. Glad you're taking the time to repair the quilt. Hopefully, you're prolonging it's happy and loved life.
ReplyDeleteSelecting fabrics for a quilt is also challenging for me and there have been quilts that I don't like because of it.
ReplyDeleteLove your Kiss quilt.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your Kiss quilt is not turning out as you had hoped. Bummer! I hate it when that happens. Maybe your quilting will help the secondary design to pop. Here's hoping! And your DD's quilt looks like one that's been well loved, and that's what it's all about, isn't it? Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that you are unhappy with your fabric choices in your Kiss quilt. I have the hardest time with deciding on fabrics. Maybe after it is quilted you will like it better? So nice to have a quilt well loved like your DD's quilt! I checked Gray Mountain out from the library and I am having a hard time getting started on it, I usually like a John Grisham book.
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting about Gray Mountain. Grisham isn't usually like that. I've always enjoyed his books, interesting!