It’s Wednesday again, and that means that it’s time for the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Yay! If you want to join in or see what others’ answers are, just click on the link above.
1. July is National Ice Cream month...your favorite flavor? Soft served, hand dipped, or frozen yogurt...which do you prefer? And technically yogurt is not ice cream but its hot outside so I'll let that slide for today.
Frozen custard … served soft. Preferably from the local frozen custard stand here in town. My favorite treat there is called the “crunch” … it’s a concrete made with vanilla frozen custard, chocolate flavored krispies, hard shell chocolate bits. I am not a fan of the ultra-rich, ultra-decadent ice cream treats … the “crunch” is just enough to suit me.
2. When you travel do you tend to pack too much or too little?
We’ve been traveling long/often enough that you’d think that I have how much to pack down to a science. And we do pack significantly less than we used to. But I still pack with the thought of “what if” in the back of my mind … so I still pack more than what we need/use. I don’t sweat it as much as I used to because we drive everywhere, so what’s one more suitcase in the back of the car? ;-)
3. What's your favorite cleaning product?
Household cleaning? Facial/body cleaning? Other than the Magic Eraser, I don’t know that I have a favorite or preference on any kind of cleaning product. Or at least not one that comes to mind right now.
4. Which is the greater tragedy-an innocent person imprisoned or a guilty person set free? Explain.
Wow, you’re really making us think this morning, Joyce! I guess if I had to choose one, I’d choose the innocent person imprisoned … if only because with a guilty person set free, there’s a very real possibility that he/she will commit more crimes, likely harming many other innocent people. All I can say is that I’m glad that this is a decision that I do not have to make.
5. What's the longest trip you've taken by car?
This past March, we drove to Deerfield Beach, FL then to Key West and then back home. 2813 miles, 46 hours total driving time. We spent a few days in the Deerfield Beach area to take in a Spring Training game and see some sights, so trip down was broken up enough that it didn’t feel any longer than our usual trips. But that trip back … it was a long one (1433 miles 23:30 hours). We want to go back to Key West some day, and when we do, we’ll definitely plan a stop along the way to break up the return home.
6. tennis-golf-canoeing-biking...pick one.
Biking … by a landslide. And as soon as this hot weather leaves, I’ll get back out on that bike. Our county has over 100 miles of bike trails, and there’s one about a half mile from our house. Unfortunately, we have to travel a fairly busy road with a very narrow shoulder, so we pack our bikes onto our bike carrier and drive to a parking lot at the bike trail access. It’s a bit of an inconvenience, and I miss being able to bike straight from the house to the trail (like we could at our old house) … but we enjoy biking enough to deal with it.
7. What sound drives you crazy?
I love dogs, but those little yippy dogs who bark incessantly … those drive me crazy. We used to have a neighbor who had two of them … they’d let them out at 5:30 every morning (and leave them out), and those dogs would bark, bark, bark … and the neighbors just ignored them (even after we asked them – more than once – to please not let their dogs sit outside and bark at that time of day).
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Yep, it’s hot here. For 19 of the 26 days so far in July, we’ve had 90+ temperatures (most of them 95 or higher, with heat indices of over 105) … with 95+ degree days forecast for the remainder of the month. And we haven’t had a drop of rain in over a month now.