1. When did you last have to interact, either by phone or in person, with someone in a government run agency? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the experience? (10 being fabulous and 1 being pass the Tylenol)
I’m trying to remember … I guess it was when I had to get a new driver’s license last spring, so I had to go to the DMV. Surprisingly, my experience wasn’t altogether unpleasant … I got right in and right out, so I’d rate it a 9.
2. The current governor of Wisconsin is considering a run for President next time around. Walker attended Marquette University, but never graduated. In terms of any candidate running for the office of President (not asking here if you agree or disagree with Scott Walker's politics) would the lack of a college degree influence your vote or no? Would that be a factor in your support of any candidate running for public office, even a role less weighty than President?
I’m more concerned about a candidate’s stand on the issues than his or her education.
3. When did you last visit a place or site named for George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, and what was that place or site?
Does the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library count? DH and I visited there a couple of years ago and enjoyed our visit.
4. February 16th was President's Day in the US, but did you know it was also National Almond Day? I didn't think so : ) Do you like almonds? If so, what's a food/dish/recipe you enjoy that contains almonds?
I didn’t know that there was a National Almond Day, although I shouldn’t be surprised because it seems that there’s a National Day for just about anything and everything these days. I like almonds and prefer them “as is”, but I don’t eat them too often because I have a hard time limiting the quantity. I like my daughter’s homemade granola bars that includes almonds.
5.The television program Saturday Night Live celebrated its 40th anniversary this past weekend. Were/are you a fan of the show? If so what has been your favorite, or one of your favorite, skits, sayings, or characters that came out of the program?
I used to watch SNL a lot, back in the day – way back when I could stay up past 9:00. I don’t know that I could narrow it down to one particular skit … maybe the Weekend Update.
6. Anything purple within ten feet of you? What is it?
No … obviously I’m just not much of a fan of purple … I’m not sure I’ve ever worn anything that was truly purple nor ever used it in decorating.
7. Back in December I asked you to submit a question for a future HP as part of a giveaway I was hosting. I grabbed this one from those entries, submitted by Zoanna who blogs over at Penchant for Pens.
She asks, "How often do you make your bed, and how do you like to make it-pull the covers all the way up over the pillows, tuck the covers in around the pillows, or place all the pillows on top of the covers?"
Making the bed is something I don’t particularly enjoy doing, but I always feel like my day is ready to begin once the bed is made. I prefer to place the pillows on top of the comforter.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Another visit from my old pal Insomnia … I was wide awake at 1:45 this morning!
We got more snow last night … just a dusting, but everything that was cleared off (streets, driveways, etc.) is white again. And we’re not done with wintery weather … we’ve got a low of –5 forecast for this evening and wind chills as low as –20 forecast for today/tonight/tomorrow plus icy weather forecast for Saturday. Ok, we’ve finally had a “real” snow … winter can go away now.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy! Have a great day!
A fellow insomniac! I have been going on less than 5 hours of sleep a night this week so far and actually it's closer to 3 or 4 I imagine. So frustrating! Maybe you can finish the quilt since you aren't sleeping. LOL! I'm afraid I am anything but productive during those awake hours. Have a joy-filled week, as well, Kathy.
ReplyDeleteYou reminded me that I do love my homemade granola, and I put almonds in that. Probably a healthier answer than an Almond Joy : ) It was -6 when I left for the gym this morning. That is not motivating. Just sayin'! I know we're a ways from spring here, but I'd settle for normal winter temperatures right about now. Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeletewe had a little snow last night too, I have trouble sleeping but for the last several months I have been doing pretty good at it and didn't wake up until 5 this morning. I used to love SNL but I enjoyed the earlier shows from back in the 70-90's I loved laughing at Dennis Miller's News report and the skits from the earliest guys. I make my bed, I love a made bed with one of my quilts on it. Pillows on top. I didn't realize the governor of WI wasn't a college graduate but if he knows his stuff it wouldn't stop me from voting for him but he needs to be smart and I don't know enough about him at this moment.
ReplyDeleteHave a good day!
Hello insomniac. Here lately, I have been waking up around 4am after going to bed around 12. I feel like I am wide awake and can't go back to sleep, and I look over at hub who is sleeping peacefully! Stay warm our weather is turning much colder after having a mild winter.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that your insomnia is back. I slept great last night - it is always wonderful to be back home in my own bed. Have a stitching kind of day... ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteWe got more snow last night. Monday we got 10 inches at my house and then again we got about 3 more inches last night/this morning. I so used to be an insomniac but my sister-in-law introduced me to zzzzquill. There isn't any side effects and I don't wake up feeling drugged thank goodness. You should try it. You can't even tell that you have taken it until the next morning when you actually wake up feeling well rested.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I love the pic of the bed you have. Right now I could go for a nice warm quilt. We have one of those beds in a bag comforter and it keeps me pretty warm but there isn't anything comparable to snuggling under a nice warm quilt in the cold weather. My other sister-in-law has one that is a wedding ring design and every time she gives it to me to cover up with I am out within 5 minutes.
Thanks for sharing and be safe and have a great day.
Oh, how I hate it when Insomnia comes to visit! She was here, night before last!
ReplyDeleteWe don't have the snow, but we have the COLD, and I'm ready to see it GO!
I enjoyed 'Weekend Update' on SNL, too...
I love all of the pillows on your bed...so inviting!!! I watched the SNL special yesterday. I completely forgot about the Weekend Update...HILARIOUS!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to get my bed made early too. I hate when the room looks messy.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe that our ice still hasn't melted away...there's still quite a bit on the trees. Temps. are rising very high today, so it might hang around awhile longer...UGH! Weekend Update is one of my fav. skits, too...there are just so many good ones!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your answers and my feelings are similar to yours. I know it has been pretty cold this year. Stay safe and warm!
ReplyDeleteI too have a hard time limiting my intake of almonds! They're just SO good, and although I once heard a doctor say to keep a few in your pocket for protein in the middle of the afternoon, I was thinking that surely he meant a FEW HANDFULS. LOL
ReplyDeleteOh no! Want me to sing a 'insomnia, insomnia go away don't come again another day' for you? Great answers... reminds me I need to make some granola bars soon. Cool to start the day here and then up to 60 - freezing tonight and chilly the next two days and then up into the high 70's this weekend! Extremely strange weather.
ReplyDeleteYea the weekend updates are pretty good too. SNL isn't as funny to me anymore especially after my favorites have all left.
ReplyDeleteThere's a national day for everything its so hard to keep up!
It's been chilly even here in the south. Ice and a tad bit of snow. Tonight it's supposed to be 9. Good thing I brought several quilts to snuggle under!
ReplyDeleteWe may actually get a freeze here tonite or tomorrow nite Kathy! Isn't that crazy for Florida??? Hope you are still enjoying the weather... I love your hodge podge posts :) Kathi
ReplyDeleteYour picture of the made bed is just lovely. Nothing like a quilt, is there? This past 4.5 days made a great extended sewing/quilting weekend here, too. I'm pretty much over the winter, and am loving the shoots of crocus poking up through the ground next to red berries and snow patches.
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry about your insomnia. Must be so frustrating! I didn't get to participate in the HP this week and I sure did miss it. But, just not enough time with all that's been going on. Hopefully will settle down by next week.