Is it really possible that another week has passed? How time flies when we’re having fun!
1. The Hodgepodge falls on the last day of February this year, a leap year. How will you spend that extra day?
I hate to say how I plan to spend my extra day because every time I have any plans, they always seem to get changed. I may – or may not – go to the Zoo with DD and the Ts. I also will be going to dinner at church for an all-church meeting about our upcoming plans to go to two worship services. We should be home in time to watch a little of the Blues game before it gets too late. Or I may not do any of those.
2. What has recently required a leap of faith on your part?
I think it was a leap of faith to roll over DH’s retirement plan last fall, what with the way the market has been.
3. We're one week into the season of Lent...are you marking these 40 days in some way? Giving something up or adding something extra to normal life? How's it going so far?
I grew up Baptist where Lent wasn’t celebrated, and I’m now a member of a Christian Church where Lent isn’t celebrated. There's no way that I could give up anything that could compare to what Jesus gave up ... I'd be far more willing to do something for the 40 days of Lent that would cause me to focus more on what Jesus came to do for me.
4. When was the last time you sat beside a fire?
At Christmas time, when we had our fireplace going.
5. Surf and Turf is on the menu. Do you order as is or do you ask for just the surf (lobster), just the turf (steak), or a menu so you can select another option?
I really like lobster and I really like steak, but I don’t know that I’ve ever ordered Surf and Turf. While a part of me thinks that maybe I’d might want to view the menu … just in case there’s something I like even better than Surf and Turf, the other part of me says go with the Surf and Turf (especially after finding this picture online – yummy!).
6. If you could have any television program back, not in reruns but in new episodes, what program would you choose?
I really enjoyed ER and would like it back … with the original characters, of course.
7. They say an elephant never forgets. These days would you say your memory is more like an elephant or a gnat?
My memory is more like a sieve.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I use a pack-n-play for the littlest ones to sleep in when they nap at Nana’s … T#4 is still sleeping in a crib, so she still gets the pack-n-play. But those days may be numbered … as she figured out how to climb out of it after naptime yesterday afternoon. I couldn’t figure out how she managed to get out of the pack-n-play (she’s so tiny … she’s going to be a shorty like her Mama … and her Nana ) so I had her demonstrate it for me … she just hiked her little leg up to climb right over … and looked up at me with such a big grin on her face … she was quite proud of herself.