After a much-deserved break last week, Joyce is back with another set of questions for this week’s Hodgepodge. Why not join in the fun … just click on the button above!
1. Summertime is a season of reunions, weddings, and other family celebrations and gatherings...are any of the above on your calendar in the next two months?
None of those – at least not at this time. However, T#3 will turn 6 on August 3, so there will be a family celebration/gathering to celebrate his birthday … it’s just not on the calendar yet.
2. June is National Iced Tea Month...are you an iced tea drinker? If so, how do you like yours (sweet, flavored, etc)?
I switched from Diet Coke to iced tea a good while back. I prefer mine REALLY cold, unsweetened, unflavored and not too terribly strong.
3. When were you last nervous? Looking back, was the 'event' actually nerve-worthy?
I have to admit that I’m drawing a blank on this one … not that I’ve not been nervous, but that I just can’t remember the last time. I do, however, feel pretty confident that whatever caused the case of nerves was “much ado about nothing”.
4. The bristle toothbrush was invented in China on June 26, 1498...not sure how that date was pinned down so precisely but, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being sick to your stomach and 1 being not at all, how nervous do you feel when you're headed to the dentist? Do you see your dentist twice a year?
I’d say that I’m a 0 when it comes to going to the dentist … and yes, I go twice a year. It doesn’t hurt that I’ve been blessed with good, healthy teeth. 
5. What's making news in your town this week?
Nothing much newsworthy here in our little town.
6. Curtains, drapes, blinds...your window treatment of choice? Are there any bare windows in your house? Is that by choice or because you haven't gotten around to covering them?
Actually I prefer plantation shutters, but when we had our windows (our windows are 3’x6’) measured, I just couldn’t bring myself to pay that much money! So we went with blinds … and eventually we bought curtains for every window (except the one in the sewing room) … because we have blinds, the curtains are more decorative than functional … to soften the windows. I haven’t ruled out curtains in the sewing room … I just couldn’t find any that I really liked. I have plans of making a quilt for the day bed in there (the coverlet on the day bed right now is not my ideal choice … I just couldn’t find anything that I liked that would go with the wall colors, so I went with the best I could find at the time with intentions of making a quilt … now 5 years later, I still haven’t made that quilt!
) … and I am hoping that once I make the quilt, I’ll have an easier time of finding curtains.
7. Summertime is officially here (in the Northern hemisphere anyway)...what one song is a must-have on your summer playlist?
I don’t have a summer playlist. My playlist is praise and worship – lots of Chris Tomlin with some Mercy Me, Kristian Stanfill, etc. The only time I change my playlist is at Christmastime.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I woke up this morning to another HUGE thunderstorm. <sigh> It’s either feast or famine here … last summer we were in the midst of a severe drought and this summer we’re in the midst of monsoon season.