Once again, Joyce has come up with some fun and interesting questions for this week’s Hodgepodge. If you’d like to join in the fun (and you know you would), just click on the button above.
1. Do you and your family enjoy camping? What do you enjoy most/like the least when it comes to family camping? When was the last time you camped?
I don’t camp. I don’t rough it. I like to joke that roughing it, for me, is a hotel without room service (ok, maybe it’s not really a joke?). Seriously though, sleeping out on the hard, lumpy ground with no air conditioning, with the possibility of critters joining us just does not appeal to me.
2. Did you attend a summer camp when you were a kid? Is that a happy or not so happy memory?
I attended a one-week camp in southern Illinois. My only distinct memory of that camp was that I went swimming with my ring on (a birthstone ring, which I’d wanted for forever and was SO proud of) … and of course, the ring fell off while I was swimming. Lost. Forever. 
3. Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?
My relationship with God.
4. Which of the seven natural wonders of the world would you most like to see? There are many lists of 'wonders' but this is the standard natural wonder list-Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janerio, Paricutan Volcano and The Northern Lights.
I’d love to see them all, but given my aversion to flying, I suppose that narrows it down to the Grand Canyon.
5. What was your first real job?
As in getting paid to do the job? My first paid job was working as a car hop at the A & W Root Beer stand in my home town. 1968. I made 60 cents/hour … and when payday came, I thought I was rich. ha! And no, thankfully, I wasn’t on roller skates.
6. Lemonade or Sweet tea...which do you prefer on a hot summer day?
Neither one. I’m a Diet Coke kind of gal. I’ve never been a big lemonade fan, and while I do like iced tea, I prefer mine plain … no sugar.
7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face?
Hearing one of the Ts say “I love you, Nana”.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Why is it that the air conditioner decides to die in the middle of the hot weather? We’ve had several days of 95+ degree weather/heat indices of 100+, and our air conditioner stopped cooling Monday night. Thankfully, our air conditioner repair guy was able to get here before 9:00 Tueday morning … and we were “only” $95 poorer when he left 30 minutes later. Although to be honest, I would have paid 3x that much just to be able to stay cool in this hot weather! ha!