It feels good to be home. No, we didn’t take a trip … I got a phone call from DD Wednesday morning, asking me to come up to watch the Ts as soon as possible as her former step mom (who’d been diagnosed with lymphoma in January) was being rushed to the hospital. She’s suffering from methotrexate toxicity, but on top of that, it turns out that she was septic and dealing with a few other issues. DD rushed over to the hospital to be with her (her former step mom was very involved in DD’s life from the time she was 2 until she was in her late 20s, so they’re still very close). Thankfully her FSM (former step mom) is doing better … she’s still got a looong ways to go, but she’s doing well enough that DD could come home last night. After 3 days at DD’s from 6:30AM to 6:30PM (10:00PM Thursday night as DSIL had a swim team board meeting), it feels wonderful to have a couple of days “off”. I’ll be back on Nana duty on Monday, but I’m going to enjoy a couple of days of peace and quiet … please don’t get me wrong, I love, love, love my time with my Ts and am so thankful that I’m available to help DD. But by the same token, it was wonderful to wake up this morning, sitting out on the deck, knowing that the only thing I “had” to do was to go walking with Lois, and enjoying this view. I’ll be more than ready to spend Monday with my Ts after a couple of days to recharge my batteries.
I mentioned Wednesday that I’d started to organize my stash … until I ran out of cardboards. I ordered more and they were delivered Thursday. I really “ought” to get back in there and finish up that job, but I haven’t had time with my needle and thread since very early Wednesday morning … stitching is going to win out today … and tomorrow, too! I started quilting my Kiss quilt on March 23 … who knew that now nearly 5 months later, I’d still be quilting that? I wish I could say that it’ll be done by August 23, but I don’t think that’s a realistic expectation (especially if FSM stays in the hospital as long as anticipated right now). And if not, then I’m sure it won’t be done by September 23 since we’ll be in Hilton Head in most of September. I guess I can try for October 23? 7 months? Yikes! But life has been so busy (DD’s been quite involved in FSM’s treatments, she started back to school this summer, there’s been summer swim, and our travels) … and it is a generous king-sized quilt. But I’ll admit that walking past the sewing room, seeing this certainly makes me think that I ought to get myself back in there.
Instead, I’ll just shut the door. ha!
And while I have some time “off”, I need to restock my EPP travel case so I can take it with me when I’m back on Nana duty next week. Something tells me that when I’ve got it out, I’ll be unable to resist working on my bow ties.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that will bring some joy!
sounds like you have been very busy. It is so nice of your daughter to continue to help our her former step-mother not everyone would do that. You will be ready for that vacation coming up in September! Do you always stay at the same place when you go, I know you go to the same area 3 or 4 times a year is it?
ReplyDeleteWhew is right! You deserve the downtime this weekend doing whatever you'd like! That Kiss quilt will get done - don't push yourself. Sit down and enjoy the quiet! So glad you are available to help DD and also glad that you are home for a couple of days. Take Care! ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteoh Kathy... I am so glad you are able to help out your dd and dsil during this time so they don't miss things they need to be doing and know their darling 4 kids are in your loving care.. but after becoming a grammie myself and trying to keep up with my now 14 month old grandson... it is HARD WORK keeping the momentum up for a day much less for 3 in a row!!! So enjoy your break with your gorgeous sunrises and thoughts of your upcoming trip back to your fave local... and of course some much needed therapy of slow stitching! Maybe next week will be a better time to hit your sewing room for more organizing of fabric to look as nice as the neutrals you have shared already done! :) Kathi
ReplyDeleteOh I know! You love those grandkids but they can be exhausting! I hope there is good news for your DD's step-mom. I am glad you have some hand work to take with you, it helps keep your sanity. (I am speaking from experience. lol )
ReplyDeleteSo glad that FSM has stabilized and you get to recharge. My sewing room is a mess too!
ReplyDeleteWell, I haven't had a lot of time with my Grans this past month but once we are finally moved and settled then that will change. It's all hands on deck right now but we are almost there. Do hope your daugther's FSM is doing better. How sweet that that have remained close. Happy new week!
ReplyDeleteWell whew is right.....three days in a row with 4 grands is enough to do any of us doting grandma's in, lol. Soo much energy they have and non stop "noise" and activity. I am glad FSM is doing a little better and that your daughter has been able to be there for her. I am glad you've been able to rest up and re-charge. We were suppose to have my youngest son's oldest 3 this week-end for a sleep over but both hubby and I had a little stomach bug and decided to post probably next week-end now. I enjoy every little second of my time with them but it does require being 100 percent and even then 3 days and 3 nights and we are both exhausted, lol. But it is the old it is what it is....not as "perky" as we once were. Hope you get lots of stitching done today!
ReplyDeleteIt is wonderful that you were able to help out DD in such a generous way. Enjoy your time "off".
ReplyDeleteI hope your weekend was restful and nice. I always wonder why I get so tired after keeping the kids too.
ReplyDeleteYou have had them a lot this summer. I am so glad your daughter has got to be with her former step Mom.
Your daughter has been really busy too. I bet this summer has flew by for you.
Have a lovely Sunday!
I hope you are getting plenty of rest over the weekend, and getting those batteries recharged.
ReplyDeleteGlad that she is doing better. Hope your getting the needed rest. I like the fact that you will be in Hilton Head most of September, that sounds wonderful to me!
ReplyDeleteYou inspired me to clean my closet and I found my EPP quilt and pulled it out. I am going to try and sew a few together everyday so that I don't stress my hands but it is hard to stop. Maybe I should set a timer???? That sunrise is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad she is feeling better. I know it is a hard job, but how blessed your DD is to have you there to call in a pinch.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing such a good job of organizing! Would you like to come help me? LOL!!! Hope your're enjoying your day of stitching and getting fully recharged. XOXOX
ReplyDeleteYikes. DD is very lucky to have you there to take over T duty so she can take care of her SM.
ReplyDeleteI tended my grands two days last week. The second day I forgot my hand work and had to go back home and get it. Love my grandkids, too, but there is a reason why we have children when we are young. : )
ReplyDeleteVery important to keep the required pieces stocked up for quiet stitching/renewing moments!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoyed spending time with my grands but they do leave you worn out. I used to put a movie on after lunch to encourage a small nap (actually it was grandma who needed the nap) What a blessing you are able to help out
ReplyDeleteDD is so blessed that you are able to step in and help out. I hope you are able to get in some stitching time, as well as some resting time :)
ReplyDeleteKathy (Reflections by Kathy)
Kathy, It seems like forever since I've read your blog. I'm so sorry about DD's fsm; prayers going up right now. You've always got so much going; I wondered if you were away when I didn't hear back from you about washing fabric before cutting it. So many ladies don't(including my quilting mentor/friend), but I always have. Just curious as to what your method is. Hope you have a joy filled day with the T's and get some stitching time in.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Noreen