Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It’s Hodgepodge time again! 
1. A new Miss America was crowned on Saturday night-did you watch? If you were a contestant what would your talent be?
No, I didn’t watch it.  I don’t have any talent that would win me any points in any beauty pageant. 
2. Do you have houseplants? Real or fake?
I have a couple of artificial houseplants, including a fake ficus tree that needs to go (too much trouble to dust all. those. leaves.).  I also have a couple of real plants in the house, three if you count the hibiscus that we bring in to winter in the basement.
3. When you were in school did you speak up or were you more of the hide your face, avoid eye contact, and pray the teacher didn't call on you type of student?
I enjoyed school, so I would raise my hand … except in science class.  Never did do well in science.
4. Next Monday marks the Chinese New Year...what do you order when someone suggests Chinese food?
Crab Rangoon and hot braised chicken. 
5. How would you define a miracle? What would it take for you to consider something a miracle?
A miracle is something that happens as a result of God’s power.  I think sometimes we fail to see the miracles that happen around us.  Sad smile
6. What's your favorite Disney song? If you're stuck you'll find a list here.
It’s got to be something from Beauty and the Beast, right?  I mean since they’ve been running commercials for it and since Joyce mentioned that she saw it, it’s got to be Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast! 

7. I should have _____________ yesterday.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Winter is back.  The high yesterday (early morning before the storms moved in) was 68 … the low was in the teens … an almost 50-degree drop in temperatures.  Surprised smile


  1. Maybe you will exercise today! We are suppose to get some snow tomorrow night.

  2. I couldn't believe how cold it got yesterday - was nice when I went to work but cooooold when I got off.

  3. Good morning! Well I picked "Be our Guest" too, haha, AND! posted the same video, haha....Love that song...Have a good day, and stay warm! HUGS

  4. It was hard to pick a favorite Disney song, there were so many good ones. This has been an unusual winter so far, except here in Phoenix, where it most always is just warm.

  5. Oh exercise. I suppose that should have been my answer. I love the music from Beauty and the Beast.

  6. I have no Miss American quality talent either. My favorite Chinese food is chicken with chinese vegetables. I like your answer for miracles. I too believe there are miracles all around us. A sunrise or a sunset. And everytime I look into a baby's eyes. That's a true miracle.

  7. I should have exercised yesterday, too--and today as well. There's always tomorrow, right?

  8. It has been a very odd winter for everyone hasn't it. Looking forwarded to spring because it's just too cold here. Liked your song choice.

  9. I love your miracle comment - so true. sandie

  10. Enjoyed reading all your answers. Someone else said Crab Rangoon, I've never heard of it! Have a wonderful weekend.


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