It’s Wednesday again and time for the Hodgepodge! If you want to join in or see how others answered these 8 questions, just click on the button above.
1. Do you play games of luck/chance for money? Have you ever played bingo for money? Visited a casino? Placed a bet on a horse? Bought a lottery ticket?
As a rule, I don’t play games for money, but that doesn’t mean that I have never done so. When DD was in her early twenties, she and some friends played Bingo … and one evening she invited me to join them. I went, but the fun for me was spending time with her and her friends. Ditto for a casino … I played the slots and quit when I’d spent my pre-determined (and small) amount … and was glad to leave (all that smoke just about did me in). When I was younger, my parents took us girls to DuQuoin for the Illinois State Fair. We always went to the Hambletonian… and our parents would place a small bet for us girls … on the horses of our choosing. Of course, our selection criteria were their rider’s color or the name of the horse. Needless to say, we never won anything, but we had a good time cheering on our horse. And I’ve bought a lottery ticket … a couple of times when the jackpot is ridiculously large.
2. Will you be preparing and/or dining on the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage meal this St. Patrick's Day? Mashed-baked-hash browned-french fried...your favorite way to have potatoes?
I will not be preparing a traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage meal this St. Patrick’s Day as we will be in DeKalb, watching T#1 compete in the State swim competition. Since we will likely be grabbing lunch at the event and dinner on our way home, we probably won’t be dining on it either.
Not sure what is my favorite way to prepare potatoes … I like them all! In fact, I haven’t met a potato dish yet that I didn’t like … and love them so much that they’re not served too often here at Chez Nana.
3. What's the last thing you felt 'green with envy' over?
Owning a house like this (not the house as much as the location – ON the beach

4. What's at the end of your rainbow?
5. March 12th marks the anniversary of the death of Anne Frank (June 12, 1929-March, 1945). Anne's diary detailing her time spent hiding from the Nazi's during the war ranks as one of the best selling books of all time. Besides your blog, do you keep any sort of diary or journal? Was this a habit you developed as a child or is journaling something new for you?
I don’t keep a diary or journal. My blog is the closest I have to a diary or journal.
6. What's an item in your home or closet that contains every color of the rainbow?
I have red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple fabric in my sewing room. Not in the shades you’d see in a rainbow, but I do have fabrics in those colors. Thankfully I’m answering this today not a month ago, as I just recently bought my first orange quilting fabric for T#2’s quilt.
7. Write a limerick with you as the subject. You can do it!! Just remember this is a family friendly blog...don't make me get out my wooden spoon.
There once was a Nana
Who always had bananas
On hand for her grands
To eat with their hands
None of whom was named Anna
I almost didn’t answer this one, and I’ll bet now that you’re wishing I had followed my instinct.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It was sunny, although a bit windy, yesterday and I decided that I might as well get to the trimming of my rose bushes and butterfly bush. I’m glad to say that it’s done … but so are some of my muscles. I swore last year that I would have a pair of thorn-proof gloves before I worked again with my rose bushes, but alas I forgot as soon as I was done with the pruning. This year I’m definitely going to order a pair! Between my sore muscles and pricked hands, I’m a mess. ha!

I tend to envy those beach front property owners, too :)
ReplyDeleteCute limerick!
Yep, I'd take a beach house too!
ReplyDeleteHope you hands and muscles feel better soon and that they don't keep you from enjoying your quilting.
Interesting! Good luck to your little one in the state swim meet. That is great!
ReplyDeleteDon't be envious of beach home owners! I live "near" the beach but would never buy on it. Too many worries about hurricanes, insurance is sky-high, exterior house maintenance all the time (salty air eats away at everything), and strangers in your backyard all the time!
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Yes I am with you on the smoke in those casino's. A short amount of time in one and my throat is sore...soo not good! Didn't think of a beach front home, though I would want mine large enough to accommodate my whole family, (which would have to make it HUGE!) and strictly for vacations. Wouldn't want to live there year round, haha. Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteThat's how I bet on horses too. Or if its a grey one :)
ReplyDeleteI knew you'd have material all colors :)
Like your end of the rainbow answer :)
I'm loving all the limmericks - so fun!
Great limmerick....glad I didn't have that assignment.
ReplyDeleteI'll enjoy the corned beef and cabbage for you!!
Great try on the limerick! I stressed so much about writing mine. ;)
ReplyDeleteMy sister owns a house on the beach in NC. I've only been there once.
Good for you getting that pruning done. Believe it or not I couldn't find anything to prune here if I wanted to. Everything is buried in snow. Sad.
Yes, count me in on a beach house, too! Wouldn't that be so much fun to have? I'd probably stay there all year long! I think you did great on the limerick...mine took me forever to write! Seems like it was so much easier when I was in high school...many moons ago!
ReplyDeleteBeachfront property would be great, but here in Florida, the houses are all so close together, it doesn't look like as much fun. Guess I'd rather have a house and a private beach. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI loved the limerick! That is so funny. Oh, and that beach house is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteHave a fun day this weekend. I bet you will be busy and I bet you have fun.
It has been 44 years since I've been to DeKalb. Mark went to college there for two years and then finished up Loyola University downtown Chicago. That would be so much fun to have a beach house. I said Happiness and Heaven at the end of my rainbow. I might try a crock pot recipe for Corned Beef and Cabbage this year. Never made it before. Enjoyed your limerick.
ReplyDeleteYou did great with your limmerick Kathy!! I too would like a house on the beach, LOL :)
ReplyDeleteI liked playing bingo with my mom in my younger days; didn't win, but always fun to play :)
The limericks have been so much fun to read this week. I was kind of worried most people wouldn't play along, but so far pretty much everyone gave it a shot.
ReplyDeleteI love the house...I could be on the beach, but hubs feels there are too many issues. We'll compromise with a lake. I just need water out my window : )
I always thought I'd like to live right on the beach too until 1989 when Hugo came through. Now I'm quite satisfied being 3 miles from beachfront. :) You're too funny about the limerick! I almost didn't answer it either! LOL