It’s Wednesday, and it just wouldn’t be Wednesday without a Hodgepodge … even a late one.
1. March 20th is the first day of she a lion or a lamb in your part of the world?
I guess you’d call her a lion. The high today is going to be a mere 34 with a low tonight of 21. Definitely not very spring-like, is it?
2. What's the most dreaded task on your spring clean to-do list? Do you have a 'plan of attack'?
Definitely cleaning windows. Our house is built on a sloping lot, so we have what is called a lookout basement … kind of like a walkout basement, but there was quite enough slope to expose the entire back basement wall – about two-thirds of that basement wall (with full-sized windows). That means the back side of our house is a good story and a half in the air. The bottom panes of our windows drop in for easy cleaning, but the top panes do not. Now I just do not do heights, so the outsides of those top panes have never been cleaned … and they definitely need it. My “plan of attack” is to hire someone to clean our windows … and while they’re at it, could they clean the blinds, too?
3. 'em or hate 'em? What's a favorite dish you make using peas?
I love peas … cooked just about any way. I’m not too particular.
4. Do you feel under appreciated?
No, not really …
5. Have you been using Google Reader? If so, what are you switching to now that GR has announced retirement? If not, how do you read your favorite blogs?
Yes, I have and have the rant about the retirement of Reader to prove it. I originally decided to read my favorite blogs from the bloglist over on the right of my blog. But sometimes when life interferes or when we’re traveling, I might get several days behind on reading my favorite blogs. Only the most recent post will be shown on my bloglist … so that’s no good. So I have switched to Bloglovin … and while it was very easy to switch, I’m not sure that it’s going to work either. 14 of the blogs I follow posted this morning, but only 9 of them are showing up in Bloglovin as unread (I haven’t read any of them yet). If anyone knows what I did wrong or what else I need to do, I’m all ears (or should I say “all eyes” since I’ll be reading, not hearing
6. Anne Bradstreet is credited with the following quote~
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
Agree or Disagree? Why?
I agree. Spring is so much more welcome because of the cold and bitterness of winter … and the mountaintops are much more appreciated after traveling through the valleys.
7. When did you last 'spring for something'? What was it?
I “sprung” for an iPad a couple of weeks ago. And I love it! We took our iPads with us on our weekend trip, and I didn’t miss my laptop at all! I was able to stay up-to-date on my emails and on my games, I was able to record T#1’s heat … I my iPad!
8. Insert your own random thought here?
I attended a paper-piecing class yesterday afternoon, and all I can say is what took me so long. I LOVE the precision and speed of paper piecing! I’ve already moved some quilts on my bucket list way up to the top because now that I can paper piece, these quilts are doable! Here are the samples of what I accomplished yesterday.
Chris got me an iPad back in the fall...and I love it so much! I do Instagram from it all the time. It's just so convenient! How did I ever survive without it? I still have no problem using my blogroll on my sidebar to keep up with my favorite bloggers. Maybe I'm the one who's missing something.
ReplyDeleteGood morning! I don't seem to have any problem with my blog list, but then again maybe I miss more than I think...entirely possible, haha. Your class sounds like it is going to be very helpful...wish I knew what your even talking about but it is all over my head...Have a good day!
ReplyDeleteI dread cleaning those windows, too, but only because I'll just get finished and then see a spot I missed!! I read blogs from my reader list on my Blogger Dashboard. Not knowing if that's going to disappear, too, I've signed up for Bloglovin 'just in case'. But the Dashboard works well for me!
ReplyDeleteWe have windows that are up in the air as well. I use a hose and window cleaner to ger them on the outside and then tackle them on the inside. I've been using the Dashboard as well. Not sure yet what I'll do...
ReplyDeleteWindows made my spring chore too. I can't stand cleaning those things. I am seriously thinking about an iPad. Have you written a pro/con post about it? If not, would you? :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all. I love your new background. Very springy looking.
ReplyDeletePaper Piecing - never heard of it, but it looks really cool.
iPads - glad you love it. I just want an iPhone. haha
Hope it warms up for you soon.
I hate cleaning windows, and if I had high ones, they'd definitely go undone.
ReplyDeleteYour class sounds like fun!
Window cleaning can be frustrating when it doesn't get everything clean, though the blinds are more of a pain since I have to wipe each blind one by one.
ReplyDeleteJust notice your feet header is back, I really like this one! Windows are the worst. I just gave that job to my daughter and son in law. They should do something for living here rent free! I've never heard of paper-piecing but I'm glad you happy about it. Enjoy the rest of your week.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom LOVES quilting! I'll have to point her to your blog :) And, yes, a lion it is! 8 inches of snow yesterday! Ugh!
ReplyDeleteI have an iPad for work, but I honestly like my Android tablet better (and it was WAAAAY cheaper!). Looks like a lot of people are jumping over to Bloglovin. I looked at it, but didn't "get it".
ReplyDeleteYou and so many others are way ahead of me when it comes to blogging technology! But, I suppose I am on the computer enough as it is...FBing, tweeting, etc. I love your paper piercing too! Very coo!
ReplyDeleteVery nice answers today. I like that you sprung for a Ipad. That made me chuckle.
ReplyDeleteI like your piecing today. I am thinking maybe I need to take a class and get over my fear of it.
Oh, never heard of paper piecing, will have to Google that. :o)
ReplyDeleteI did our downstairs windows this past Saturday but will have to hire the second story done, for the very reason you stated....they are v-e-r-y high!
Oh, so glad you are enjoying your Ipad. I love mine for sure!
Hope Spring hurries your way!
Yea i do like the Cardinals too believe it or not lol Anyway I am not sure what package we got but we're already paying about $100 for cable. ;/ It's probably the entertainment package since we have E!, I.D., Bio & Bravo.
ReplyDeleteI did a little paper piecing quilt last year. I had no idea how to do it and watched some YouTube videos. I know my finished product isn't perfect at all, but I was happy with the final result and I agree that the method is fun!