Wait … it’s Wednesday already? Where did Monday and Tuesday go? But it’s ok … because if it’s Wednesday, then it’s time for the Hodgepodge!
1. What creeps you out?
Heights … oh, yes, definitely heights. Creepy crawlies (like spiders, mice, and snakes) creep me out, too.
2. What's your least favorite candy?
It’s a toss-up between Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and malted milk balls. I am not a fan of peanut butter (I believe that I may be the only person in the US who’s not). And I’m not a fan of the scraping of the center of the malted milk balls on my teeth … I could add that to #1.
3. Are you a fan of scary movies? What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
I guess it depends on how you define scary movies. What passes for a scary movie nowadays contains way too much blood and gore … so I’m definitely NOT a fan. I do like a good suspenseful movie, like Gaslight. The scariest movie I’ve ever seen would be The Birds … I have to admit that any time I see a large flock of birds, I freak out a little … maybe I could add them to #1, too.
4. What part of life confuses you the most?
The more I ponder this, the more I think that life is just plain confusing … and try as hard as we humans can, it’s next to impossible to make sense of it all … thankfully our God is in control and is able to lead us through the confusion and chaos.
5. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy...what's your favorite seed?
I can’t say that any of them are favorites, although since I have to choose, I guess I’ll go with sesame seed … I love good breads, and since many have sesame seed on them, I’ll go with sesame seed.
6. Imagine your life ten years from today...what's changed?
My grands will no longer be “littles” … T#1 will be almost 21 and T#4 will be entering her teen years!
Of course, I’ll be 10 years older, too … and I can only imagine what that will mean … I’m already learning (the hard way) that I’m not as young as I used to be.
7. What do you a) love the most and b) like the least about the Hodgepodge?
I love the randomness of the Hodgepodge. My life (and hence my blog) is full of randomness … so the Hodgepodge gives me a springboard for random topics that I might otherwise discuss here. I really can’t think of anything that I don’t like about it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I got all the rows of my I-Spy Quilt sewn together yesterday. I was all set to start working on the borders when my iron kicked the bucket. I can’t sew on borders if I can’t press the seams nice and flat. Since it was getting close to dinner time, I chose to call it a day. I did some research and found a highly-rated iron at a very nice price – available at Wal-mart. So I’m ready to get to work on my borders today … hopefully I’ll be ready to get it basted together tomorrow so I can start the hand quilting!