This is our indoor reader of the outdoor temperature yesterday afternoon. Yes, the humidity was 16% … that’s definitely not normal either. In the heat of the summer, the humidity in these parts matches the air temperature.

And the forecast for the next days days is for much of the same, with another 108 for today with a gradual “cool-down” to a high of 101 on Thursday … with cooler temperatures later next week and maybe even some rain.
I’ve got some kind of contact dermatitis on my left arm. DD is convinced that it’s poison ivy. I was outside with her and the Ts Monday evening … I saw a vine-y plant growing at their foundation and tried to pull it out by the roots. DD wondered, at the time, if it was poison ivy … I responded that I didn’t think so, but since I wasn’t allergic to poison ivy, I’d pull it out for her (she is dreadfully allergic to poison ivy). I still don’t think that vine was poison ivy, the outbreak is on my arm not my hands, and I was exposed frequently to poison ivy as a child with no reaction whatsoever. Yet, I have what sure looks like a poison ivy reaction on my arm (the under side about a third of the way from my wrist to my elbow).
DH is going to the baseball game tonight. A neighbor had 2 tickets for him and his son, but his son isn’t going to be able to go to the game, so DH is going in his place. I’ll be watching the game from the comfort of our air-conditioned living room. Ha!
I noticed yesterday afternoon that the ice tub in our refrigerator had only about a third of the ice it normally does … sure enough, there was another ice cube stuck in the feeder … in the same place that the previous cube was stuck. I got out my handy hairdryer and by the time I got up this morning, the tub is once again full.
We’ve got the refinishing of our hardwoods scheduled … Monday July 23. It’ll be a 3-day job, but we should be able to walk on the floors (in our stocking feet) by evening each day, so we won’t be displaced.