Another Wednesday has arrived, which means that it’s time for another Hodgepodge.
1. Americans will celebrate Labor Day this coming weekend. Do you know what we're actually celebrating? (without consulting your friends Google or wikipedia, ahem) What's a project you're currently 'laboring' over?
I suspect that Labor Day was instituted to honor workers. Right now I’m “laboring” over my wall quilt. I shared an update on The Weekend Wrap-up so I’ll spare you all a repeat of the details.
2. Labor Day also signals the unofficial end of summer for most of us...what summer food will you miss the most? If you're in the southern hemisphere feel free to substitute winter for summer.
Sweet corn … not that I got to enjoy it very much this summer. The heat and the drought wiped out the local corn crop.
3. A well known proverb states, 'It's easier to seek forgiveness than ask permission.' Your thoughts?
It may be easier, but I don’t believe that it’s the better way … sounds an awful lot like rationalization/justification.
4. Food critic, film critic, book critic, art critic....which hat would you most like to wear?
Food critic … I love the idea of trying new foods, new restaurants all on someone else’s dime. However, my waistline would NOT love that idea.
5. When you were a kid, who (besides your parents) was your favorite adult?
My maternal grandma. She always had lemon drops or horehound candy in her candy dish (which sits on my dining table now). She always made a large batch of Christmas cookies (something I’ve always done, too). Many of my childhood memories involve my grandma in some way.
6. The astronaut, Neil Armstrong, passed away last week. He was regarded as a hero by many generations of people all around the world. Do we still have modern day heroes? What makes someone a hero?
A hero is someone with bravery and courage, someone who places the wellbeing of others head of his/her own. So yes, I believe that we still have heroes.
7. I never get tired of __________________.
Spending time with my grands and spending time at the beach. If only I could somehow combine the two …
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Speaking of time with the grands, we had all 4 Ts here yesterday afternoon. After T#1 & T#2 had been playing outside with the Nerf “swords”, they came inside and went down to the basement to put the swords back. T#1 came back upstairs, and I assumed that T#2 did, too. But she did not … T#1 heard her crying and told me that she was hurt. I ran downstairs and found her near our old exercise bike under the stairs. She’d been trying to ride it, and somehow her foot got caught in between the pedal and where it connects to the bike. It looked so awful that I was afraid that it was broken, so I carried her upstairs and called DD who came to take her to the ER. Turns out that it’s not broken, just a very deep bruise. She’s to stay off her foot for a week.