While I’m missing my fellow quilters and being pampered (and overfed), I’m so glad to be back home … back to my own bed, my sweet hubby, and my normal routine.
I wish I had a lot of fabulous photos to share with you all. I took my camera but failed to get it out during show and tell. The shop will share photos on their Facebook page but probably not for another week or two.
There was a pretty diverse group of quilters at the retreat. While most were in their 50s-60s, there were a couple in their 70s and one in her 30s and a few in their 40s. Most were from the Springfield area, although there were a few from further downstate (not all that far from my neck of the woods) and one who came down from the Chicago area. Most of the retreaters were repeat attenders (the shop hosts 5 retreats/year in the Springfield area) and all knew each other pretty well, from the local quilt guild and/or previous retreats, but they made sure I felt welcomed. I shared a corner of the room with Sue, Cindy and Mary. They were a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to quilt with them again at a future retreat.
I was able to paper piece 4 more pineapple blocks Friday and Saturday. When I read that, I think that I must have been slacking to have only pieced together 4 blocks … but when I remind myself that the blocks were 14” and contained 57 pieces, I’m feeling like such a slacker after all.
This is my designated retreat project, so I know that it’s going to be a long-term project. I now have a total of 7 blocks finished, with 18 more to go.
I also paper pieced 2 more of my pineapple minis Sunday morning. These blocks are 3”.
The retreat center was right on Lake Springfield and was right next door to the Lincoln Memorial Gardens. I had been looking forward to getting out for a walk through the Gardens, but it was just too chilly for me to venture outdoors. It got down into the lower 20s Saturday morning. This is the view from the dining room window.
The shop will be hosting another retreat at the end of July and another at the end of October … I’m hoping that everything will work out that I can be back up there for at least one of those, if not both.

After a weekend spent with the machine, it’ll be especially nice to be able to get back to doing some hand stitching today … my Kiss quilt is feeling neglected.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!