Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hodgepodge … feel free to click on the button above to check out how others answer this week’s questions or to join in yourself!
1. This coming weekend is Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week. Do you celebrate Easter in your home? What was your favorite Easter tradition as a child?
Oh yes, we celebrate Easter here. We have an Easter meal with family … DD and her crew along with her in-laws. And of course, we have an Easter Egg hunt … I don’t do baskets for the Ts, but I do have large personalized Easter Eggs that I fill with goodies.
2. George Weinberg is quoted as saying, 'Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.' Agree or disagree? Share your own thoughts on the word hope.
I would have to agree. Hope is something that we have within … it’s ours to keep or to lose.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him. ~Psalm 62:5
3. Weigh in with a yay or nay on the traditional Easter candies. A solid milk chocolate bunny? Cadbury Creme Eggs? Peeps? Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs? Jellybeans? Coconut Cream Eggs? Of the candies listed, which one would you most like to find in your Easter basket?
None of the above. I’m not much of a fan of sweets, and I prefer my chocolate with nuts and/or caramel. I’d rather have a Baby Ruth, a Snickers, or some peanut M&Ms.
4. When did you last feel 'like a kid in a candy store'?
The first time I visited Homestead Hearth, a quilt shop in Mexico, MO. Fabric overload! I didn’t know which way to turn. And I still feel that way when I visit.
5. What's something you know you do differently than most people? Does that bother you? Does it bother other people?
Nothing is coming to me.
6. Palm Springs CA, Palm Beach FL, or the PALMetto State...of the three mentioned, which sunny spot would you most like to visit right now? Which have you visited at one time or another?
Anyone who knows me or has been reading my blog for long will know how I’m going to answer this one: the Palmetto State. Because Hilton Head is in South Carolina, the Palmetto State.
7. If you could change the length of a day would you lengthen it or shorten it? Tell us why.
I’d like to make the days longer … maybe then I’d have enough time to do all I want to do, especially quilting. I’m going to need to live to be 150 or have a lot more hours in the day to be able to make all the quilts I’d like to make.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My thread arrived Monday morning, so I was able to get in a few stitches before heading to DD’s that afternoon. Since Monday night/Tuesday morning insomnia once again reared its ugly head, I had plenty of time to get even more stitches in. This photo was taken when I stopped for lunch on Monday.I didn’t get as much stitching in yesterday as I’d hoped because I
wasted spent over an hour trying to hook up our new Roku. It turns out that our lone remaining HDMI port doesn’t work. ??? So if/when we want to use the Roku, we’ll have to unplug the cable for the DVD player and plug in the cable for the Roku. A pain, but a lot less expensive than trying to get it repaired (can it even be repaired??) or buying a new TV (especially since DH wants a new-fangled Ultra HD TV, not to mention a bigger TV, which will also mean a new TV table).
And speaking of Hilton Head and quilting, may I present the back window of my van.
The only thing missing is a decal that would somehow portray my Ts … then all my loves would be on display.
I hope that whatever you have planned for today includes a little something that brings you joy ... have a great day!
I was pretty sure you'd choose the Palmetto State for your answer : )
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Yep, no surprises that you chose the Palmetto State, lol. The quilt looks good! Love the quilt decal! Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteI can't even think this morning so I'm not going through the questions today LOL - only answer I have is that we do not really do anything special for Easter unless we know we will have company
ReplyDeleteHilton Head just makes me sigh thinking about it. OK, back from my daydream. Are you hand quilting? If so, I tip my hat to you. That takes such patience and talent.
ReplyDeleteI think I need a trip to Homestead Hearth! Glad you've been able to get in a little stitching time - if only the days were longer.... ~Jeanne
ReplyDeleteThe fabric store sounds like a great place to visit.
ReplyDeleteI would choose to make days longer too!
Who would want shorter days????? Yikes! Why does every guy want a bigger TV? I am guessing that will be the ultimate answer to the port problem! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI was pretty sure of what your answer to #6 would be :)
ReplyDeleteI was also pretty sure you'd choose a fabric store for the answer to #4! We're getting to know each other pretty well through blogging, huh?
I love the idea of filling the large personalized egg with goodies :)
South Carolina was my pick, too, Kathy! It is such a beautiful state with so much to offer. Love it there!
ReplyDeleteI love your decal!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way when I walk into a yarn store
Kathy, Maybe look to see if they have a HDMI with 2 ports that you can plug into your one port so they both can share teh port... maybe at Best Buy? Love your window sticker... being in the Sunshine State stickers don't last long on windows... so there is another good reason to spend most of your year not at the beach! lol Love your quilty progress... hope to see a progress shot soon :) Kathi
ReplyDeleteThose are excellent candy choices! I certainly hope to visit Hilton Head someday. Love your Quilt decal.
ReplyDeleteI kind of thought you would chose Palmetto State too. Hilton Head is a contender for a future vacation for us.