Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge


It’s Wednesday again … that means that not only is December flying by, but it’s time for the Wednesday Hodgepodge again!  If you’d like to see what everyone else has to say, just click on the button above. 


1. Do you put Christmas decorations in every room of your house? If not every room, what rooms do you decorate?

I pretty much decorate only our main living area … great room and kitchen.  I’m really doing the “less is more” approach to life, including decorating … including Christmas decorating.  I put up a tree, set out the Christmas village and the nativity and put some garland on the mantel … there are a couple of other little items around the house, but really that’s about it. 


2. If you could visit one of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) which one would you choose and why?

I would love to see the fjords of Norway. 


3. What does the word faith mean to you?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. ~Hebrews 11:1


4. You can go back to your childhood for one day...what day and age would you choose?

I think I’d really rather stay as an adult.  I don’t want to give up the blessings of this season in my life … sweet friendship with DD, watching the Ts grow up, growing old with DH (that old saying “grow old with me, the best is yet to be” is really true), growing in my relationship with the Lord … these are all too sweet and dear to me to give up for even one day.


5. When did you last have 'punch'? If it's not too much trouble share your favorite punch recipe.

At a baby shower I attended at church last summer.  I don’t have a punch recipe … if I ever hostess an event where I would need to serve punch, I’m confident that I could find a good recipe … either from friends or online.


6. Do you fill stockings at your house? Are stockings opened before or after the bigger gifts?

We don’t hang stockings here at our house, but DD hangs stockings at her house … so I have a bag full of little treats waiting to be tucked into the stockings at her house.


7. What takes your breath away?

There are a number of things that take my breath away … a beautiful sunset, majestic mountains, the miracle of birth are a few that come to mind immediately.  Is it any wonder that the things that take my breath away are all God’s handiwork?




8. Insert your own random thought here.

DD is on the mend; today she’ll be working the Scholastic Book Fair, so that means I’ll be watching the Ts.  Red heart 


  1. Love your answer to #4. :)

    Kimberlys Korner

  2. Gorgeous photos...lots of nature takes my breath away. Enjoy your day with the T's.

  3. Love the pictures. I thought about saying the mountains take my breath away (they always do) but the grandbaby took presidence.

  4. Beautiful Christmasy background for your blog. Love the 'icy' touches. And your answers...they're all so very honest and in depth...which I like, 'cause I get to know you better.

    ATCHAFALAYA SWAMP PHOTOS is my link for today. Hope you can find time to visit with me.

  5. Aw, what a sweet answer to number 4! Have a great day--with those T's :)

  6. Nature takes my breath away, too. How can one not believe in God after seeing nature's beauty. Enjoy watching Ts. I must admit I played hookey from school yesterday and took grandson to see Santa-I needed a 'mental health' day!

  7. A love the photos. The mountains make me homesick, The view out our window was very similar.

  8. Many of us shared Hebrews 11:1. That's it really. I love the beautiful photos. Have a blessed day with the Ts.

  9. Neato...we had the same reason for wanting to see Norway...and I had to look up how to spell FJORDS...did you?

  10. I knew I wanted to go to Norway but I had no idea it was soooo pretty!!! The picture you posted is gorgeous! Goes right along with you other comment - God sure knew what he was doing ;-)

  11. I agree that nature takes my breath away. I have seen mountains and oceans and am in awe of such beauty. The one thing I would love to witness is a birth. Having 3 daughters I am so jealous of my husband for being able to watch tht miracle take place. Even though I was there and had didn't have any drugs, I feel I missed something in not seeing it happen.

  12. Great news to hear about DD! That book fair should be fun to work at! And I know you like your time with the T's!

    Love your definition of faith; can't get any clear than that I think!

    I like how it also seems that you are content with where you are at, don't want to go back to any different time, etc. That is a nice feeling I am sure!

    have a great Thursday!


  13. Oh, me, I'm with you, "less is more." I always remember that what goes up has to come down and that is a real bummer when it comes to decorating.

    Sweet answer to #4.

    Glad daughter is doing well and know you will enjoy the T's. We'll have the Princess tomorrow evening and we can't wait. She is such a delight.

  14. It's funny how many answers we had in common! haha great minds think alike...

    I am getting closer and closer to not doing as much decorating. Most of the time all I can think about it taking it all down again...I do so love how it looks though, and I am such a traditionalist. Glad your daughter is doing better!

  15. I'm doing the less is more also! Great answers.
    Hope you had fun watching the Ts. Glad to hear that DD is doing well.

  16. Beautiful photos so nice to meet you, I'm new to your blog and have enjoyed looking around, I'm now following you so I can visit you often if you find a spare minute hope you visit me sometime and follow back so lovely to meet new friends. I look forward to keeping in touch in 2012, Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

    Always Wendy


I am SO glad you stopped by! No proving that you're a robot here ... I want to hear what you have to say! ;-)